Friday, June 10, 2011


I've been continuing the purging of my systems and games. I currently have the following left:


800 XL
Ultra Pong Doubles
Video Pinball


Famicom (clone) w/FDS
Gameboy Pocket
Advanced SP


Playstation (modded)
PSP (Big Boss edition)



Commodore 64

Kind of weird, seeing that at one point i had over consoles and computers, and now not so much. Ah well, what good is life if things don't change.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lazy game

i want a game that i watch, but that plays itself as time progresses. Sort of like an ant farm.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

After getting on a Sonic kick from playing Sonic CD, i got the urge to pick up Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. Fortunately i have 3 nearby shops and was able to find both at the first one i came to. Sonic 3 was only missing the manual, but S&K was cart only and made ugly by an old Blockbuster sticker. a few hours of scrubbing finally got the majority of the glue off and it's almost pretty. They both work and that's all that counts. Too bad i still suck at the games.
So over the past year or so, I've been reducing the volume of games and consoles in my life. I still have 20 - 30 or so machines whose main function is to play games, but that's down from around 50, and they're pretty much the machines i feel are the most important to me, though, i could probably sell my super gun with little remorse. On the games side, i'm down from over 800 to probably just shy of half of that now.

I have been on a more 2600 kick than anything, along with a renewed love of the C64. I'm nearing 300 unique carts for the 2600, mostly so i don't feel bad for emulating them on the Harmony Cart, and while the C64 is still under 10 games, those 10 are very good to me at least.

Kind of falling in the "i might get rid of" category, i've been debating selling my CDX, but having Sonic CD and Snatcher makes that tough at best. We'll see.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I've stayed away from games for a while...

...I did finally beat Metal Gear Solid 4 & Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker. Both excellent games. After that though, games fell off. It's like when you see a really good film, you can watch it over and over, but other things just don't stack up. After time you can return with fresh eyes. And there's where I'm at. I've gotten back into the 2600, and my DSi. An odd combo, yes, but both machines I love. One because it's my childhood (more so than the NES) and the other because the DSi is a near perfect gaming machine. It has that balance of old and new, plus some really good choices in DSiWare. What do you like?